C is 6! Well, she turned 6 yesterday. Party today. http://twitpic.com/ddclfr
Tonight I said, "I'd like to hear less farting at the dinner table, please."
L told me about dissecting owl pellets at school. "And we didn't even wear GLOVES!" Me: "Did you wash your hands?" Her: "TEN TIMES."
Parent-teacher conference reveals that E has her nose in a book every chance she gets, L is focused & likes rules. #NoSurprises
Is your cat aggressive toward the guinea pigs? you might wonder. LOL, I reply. http://twitpic.com/dg217r
I try not to be impressed, but C can burp on command and, honestly, I find that impressive.
E pours C's drink. C says, "It's nice to have a sister that helps me." They hug. SERIOUSLY WHERE IS THE HIDDEN CAMERA?
Hugged C goodbye today and she suction cupped her mouth to my neck and gave me a hickey before I could stop her. WTF, kid?
The dog is barking in her sleep.
C is helping A write. http://twitpic.com/dhokmw
C wrote a story that included the sentence, "The boys were wearing shoes of sunbeams." Um. She's way more creative than me.
We got home from the movie. A tried to pee first. I shoved him out of the way, yelled, "I've had three babies!" and sprinted past him.
Me to C: "You didn't sit on my lap during the movie. Are you too big for that now?" Her, casually: "Yeah. Sorry." MAH BAY-BEE.
4th grade teacher says L's name is on her substitute instructions as "Ask this kid. She will know the answer and help." #unsurprised
E is making lists in a notebook "just like Anastasia Krupnik!" Btw, that book totally holds up. Well worth the re-read.
C tried to give me a tootsie roll while I was in the shower. A for generosity, C for timing.
Remember when I was charmed because C was square: 48 inches tall, 48 lbs? She grew 1 inch & gained 1 pound. Keep up the good work!
E: "It's a good thing kids come with food storage areas!" Me: "You mean your stomach?" Her: "Yeah."
I just used my spit and some leaves to wash dog poop off C's hand. Thank God for Twitter so I can tell someone.
The children hid their candy from us. We looked for it to make sure the dog couldn't get it & couldn't find C's. Sneaky kid!
Looking at potential houses, A just told me a house wasn't "funky enough looking" and it kind of blew my mind. He's not a "funky" guy.
We're in such a sweet spot of parenting. Six and nine years old is perfect. How do I freeze time?
C got scared in the night, so she woke up E who hugged her & let her sleep in her bed. What a great big sister!
C and L are arguing. L: "C. You are CLEARLY MISTAKEN."
There is nothing to make for dinner ever. We will all starve.
Me to C: "Can you change into your pjs?" Her: "Oh. I can. But I don't want to."
Rapunzel is reading me Ivy and Bean as I make dinner. http://twitpic.com/dl1i4a
E has been telling me about the Warrior series books for the last 20 minutes. Non stop. I'm not even feigning interest anymore.
C told me today that, besides presents, her favorite part of Christmas is the bacon we have Christmas morning.
I taught L to pump the gas yesterday and she thought that was the coolest thing ever.
E can't sleep because of the storm and came into our room to ask, "What's inside a black hole?" I turned her over to A.
C got into bed with us last night and woke me up this morning by laughing in her sleep. SHE LAUGHS IN HER SLEEP, THE BALL OF SUNSHINE.
L sleeps so deeply that she slept through a cat hacking up 2 huge hairballs on her pillow, presumably next to her face.
Teacher emailed to say E provided an excellent definition of the word resistance by referencing She-Ra. Hee.
Visiting first grade pet http://twitpic.com/dmb3d6
C: "How many minutes till dinner?" Me: "About five." Her: "So . . . 300 seconds?"
My kids are going to reminisce, "Remember when we got lice in 2013 and mom checked our heads obsessively for YEARS after?"
Listening to The Sound of Music soundtrack with L. Me: Don't ever date someone like Rolf. Her, horrified: NO! He thinks he knows BETTER!
It's my 37th birthday today. Cookies warm from the oven, 3 snuggly girls, pjs, The Music Man, @JuliusGoat bringing home pizza. Nice.
I told L about when I was 15 & watched The Music Man every day all summer long. Her: "Was it awesome?" Me: "Yeah."
Old cats + kids who love to read is a great combination. http://twitpic.com/dn0ra5
SNOW! when we got our tree today. Also: sledding, hot chocolate, a fire w/ marshmallow roasting, & wagon rides. http://twitpic.com/dn1aam
A is defining an encyclopedia for C. #BornIn2007
Now that E and L's teacher knows how much I love laminating, she saves her laminating for when I volunteer.
I roasted a turkey yesterday. C was shocked. "You can make Thanksgiving dinner WHEN IT'S NOT THANKSGIVING?!"
I heave an exhausted sigh. C, unsympathetically, "Life is tough."
Me: "C, wake up. Time to get ready for school." Her, sleepily: "At least we have food for our jar of worms!"
We're re-reading The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe now that C is old enough to remember. It seems like it's the perfect season.
C chose her own clothes for the play we're seeing this afternoon. http://twitpic.com/dotwv4
Andrew put C to bed with a thermometer. When I checked on her she was repeatedly checking her temperature: "96.7! 97.3! 97.1!"
I dropped the girls off at a sleepover & gave them the standard lecture:"You can call us anytime you need us & you'll never be in trouble."
Scenarios necessitating parental involvement were suggested until I was explaining why to never go with an abductor to a 2nd location.
Good Lord. I just went through the whole drug/alcohol/molestation/stranger danger talk in one 10 minute car ride. Beer me.
C is a serious Go Fish player. "COUGH. UP. YOUR. TWOS."
C can watch pretty much any "scary" movie scene, but covers her eyes at the Grinch's evil grin. "It's like he's lost his mind!"
A friend sent a Christmas card from "The Lastname's" and E spotted the incorrect apostrophe immediately. YES.
Best sous chef ever. I made the bacon, but she made the blueberry pancakes & cinnamon balls. http://twitpic.com/dpz8dq
I got a "cows" board for for a present - a game we played on the mission station. http://twitpic.com/dpzeyk
Oh nothing. Just addressing Christmas cards on Dec 26. And you know what? I don't really care. No guilt. Just doing what I can.
I hear, "HA-OOOOOO! HA-OOOOOO!" Me: "Who is howling?" C: "Man. I thought you'd think that was a real werewolf."
We're 15 minutes into Nat'l Lampoon's Christmas Vacation: "Don't say shit, don't say ass, don't give the middle finger."
CREEPIEST SNOWMAN EVER. http://twitpic.com/dq7j3v
It may have been a while since I cleaned this particular cabinet. http://twitpic.com/dqbgl1